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Version: 1.0.0


Using this method, you can check whether the received input is a phone number or not


isPhoneNumber(str, options = { ignoreCountryCode: false });
  • str → str Write the string you want to check whether it is an phone number or not in this parameter and pass it to the function
  • ignoreCountryCode → ignoreCountryCode The entry should be checked without country code - this value is false by default


true | false
  • Boolean → If the input string is a PhoneNumber, it returns true and if the input string is not a PhoneNumber, it returns false.


isPhoneNumber("09121234567"); //false

isPhoneNumber("+989121234567"); //true

isPhoneNumber("9121234567",{ignoreCountryCode : true}); //true

isPhoneNumber("09121234567", { ignoreCountryCode: true }); //true

isPhoneNumber("9121234567"); //false

isPhoneNumber("+989121234567"); //true